Comtrade Audit
Spend hours organizing and reviewing foreign trade files can be exhausting and time-consuming.
Comtrade Audit, our audit software, automates the process, allowing you to ensure proper compliance with your records and enhance fixed asset control.
Comtrade Audit is the ultimate nearshoring ally for managing your foreign trade files effectively.
"These clients already trust us"
User-friendly reports
With Comtrade Audit, you can avoid unnecessary sanctions and fines by accessing interactive and user-friendly reports that help you have a realistic diagnosis of the fiscal-customs risk you may be facing.
This is aimed at making the necessary corrections promptly before authorities come knocking on your door.
Fixed Asset Control
Having precise and updated control of your fixed asset inventory is crucial to prevent the seizure of your machinery or double payment of import taxes.
Our platform offers you an easy and secure solution to keep all your asset information organized and centralized, allowing you to easily verify the legal status and ownership of your assets.
File Recovery
At Comtrade, we understand the importance of having all your information up-to-date and complete.
We know how stressful it can be to face an authority review without having all the records complete.
That’s why with Comtrade Audit, you can recover historical information from recent years, ensuring you’re always prepared for any audit.
How does Comtrade Audit help you?
- Reduce the risk of paying fines by over 90% by managing, organizing, and auditing 100% of your foreign trade operations records.
- Obtain a quick diagnosis of the situation by calculating potential fines.
- Helps recover and/or reconstruct historical information.
- Prevent the seizure of your fixed assets or double taxation by maintaining proper documentation of your machinery.
- Access more competitive rates for logistics services.
More services for you in one place
With Comtrade Audit, you have everything you need. Explore our portfolio of services with just one click!
Cargo Transportation
Optimize your shipments and save on costs.
Your best solution for national and international cargo transport.
Cargo Insurance
Securing your cargo for international and domestic shipments is easier and more reliable than ever.
Request your cargo insurance now!
Product Inspections
Quality control is crucial for the regulatory compliance of your products. Ensure quality with our inspections and factory audits available in more than 85 countries.
Secure financing today, don’t let the lack of funds stop your growth.
Gain access to credit lines to expand your business right now.
"Secure your foreign trade operations now"
Don’t wait any longer, protect your business and keep your tax records complete with Comtrade Audit.
Start maintaining your peace of mind today
Do you want to know more
about our services?
¡Contact us!
Nuestra plataforma automatiza la integración y organización de expedientes, los audita y te dice a cuánto ascendería la multa por omisión de documentos si la autoridad llegara en ese momento, ayudándote a que puedas corregirte antes de que la autoridad te audite.
Puedes descargar tu información antes de cancelar tu suscripción.
Si por error cancelas y no descargas tu información, la plataforma te da 30 días para poder pedir requerir tu información y la puedas descargar.
Si, la herramienta tiene una función para que puedas descargar de manera masiva tu información similar a como se hace en google drive o dropbox.
Se recomienda almacenar hasta 6 años históricos, pero si deseas tener más años, lo puedes hacer con un costo extra.
La información está almacenada en la nube de Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Si, el equipo de auditores de comtrade puede gestionar de manera mensual la carga de expedientes directamente con los agentes aduanales del cliente, esto con el fin de garantizar que siempre estén completos.
Si, dependiendo del volumen mensual de operaciones, se determina la tarifa por expediente.
Si, nuestra plataforma se conecta con VUCEM permitiendo descargar los siguientes documentos:
- Acuse COVE
- Edocs
- Acuse Edocs
Para recuperar Pedimento Original, Manifestación de Valor y Hoja de Cálculo, se gestiona directamente con los Agentes Aduanales del cliente.
Este servicio se cobra por aparte.
Comtrade ofrece asesoría básica, para proyectos complejos, gestión de trámites, certificaciones, etc. Tenemos alianzas con diferentes firmas de consultoría, entre ellas las Big 4 y Mid firms que les pueden ayudar a resolver estos temas.